Αυτόν τον άνθρωπο έπρεπε να τον γνωρίζουν όλοι οι Έλληνες... δεν τον ξέρει όμως σχεδόν κανείς! - Ας
κοιτάξουμε αυτή την φωτογραφία. Ας δούμε αυτό το πρόσωπο. -----Είναι
ένας άνθρωπος που αντίστοιχό του δεν υπάρχει στην παγκόσμια ιστορία. Το
όνομά του Έιζα Τζένιγκζ.----Γεννήθηκε
στην πολιτεία της Νέας Υόρκης και τον Αύγουστο του 1922, λίγες μέρες
πριν την καταστροφή της Σμύρνης, βρέθηκε στην πόλη, να εργάζεται ως
γραμματέας της YMCA.
Όταν η μοιραία πόλη πυρπολήθηκε και μισό εκατομμύριο περίπου πρόσφυγες Ελληνικής και Αρμενικής καταγωγής ήταν αποκλεισμένοι στην παραλία, χωρίς ελπίδα σωτηρίας, αυτός ήταν ο μόνος δυτικός που είχε παραμείνει εκεί. Αρνήθηκε να φύγει, έτσι ώστε να μπορέσει να σώσει ζωές. Ναι. Κι΄ αν έσωσε λέει. 350 χιλιάδες! Φαντάσου το! Έσωσε 350 χιλιάδες ανθρώπους! Πως;
With each passing day Jennings became more desperate to find a way to evacuate the refugees. One day, acting on impulse, he went to the Edsall, borrowed Powell's launch, and toured the ships in Smyrna harbor, trying to persuade their captains to take refugees on board for evacuation.
First he went to the French steamer, Pierre Lotti. No luck. He then went to a large Italian cargo liner, the Constantinapoli and asked her captain if there were refugees aboard. The answer was no, so he asked the Captain if he would take refugees. Initially he was refused, but eventually negotiated to pay the passage of 2,000 refugees to Mytilini, 5.000 lire for the refugees plus another 1000 lire for the captain.
Jennings spent all day and night preparing for the sailing. He obtained permission from the Turkish authorities and the Italian consul. but when it came to be time to move the people he found two rows of Turkish soldiers standing between the house and the wharf, to prevent any man of military age from leaving. So only women, children, and the elderly were allowed to leave.
Shortly before leaving Smyrna harbor Jennings was informed by Powell that Admiral Pepe had finally obtained permission from Kemal for Greek ships to enter Smyrna harbor. Powell had also given him two cables from Davis, one ordering him to land the refugees in Mytilini under the aegis of the Red Cross, the other authorizing him to act as he saw fit 'in any subsequent emergency'.
On reaching Mytilini Jennings saw that the bulk of the fleet that had evacuated the Greek army were there.
Using the second of the cables he approached General Frangou, Commandant of the Southern Army and commander of the ships in Mytilini harbor, and asked if these ships might be sent to Smyrna. The General was willing to lend six ships providing that he could have a written guarantee that they would be protected and permitted to return.
As soon as he had handed the 2000 over to the governor-general, who offered to take as many more as he could feed, Jennings headed back to Smyrna, making the trip in under three hours. On arrival he obtained a written statement from Powell and returned with it to Frangou in Mytilini. In the morning at Mytilini harbor he saw a familiar shape, what looked like an American battleship. This was the KILKIS, originally the USS Mississippi, sold to Greece and used during the evacuation of the Greek army from Asia Minor.
The Captain of the KILKIS was eager to co-operate. They worded a message together to send to the authorities in Athens, the Captain sent it in code by radio. It read: ' In the name of humanity, send twenty ships now idle here to evacuate starving Greek refugees from Smyrna without delay.' It was signed 'Asa Jennings, American citizen.
The reply asked who Asa Jennings was. He replied that he was Chairman of the Relief Committee in Mytilini. The next message stated that the Prime Minister had called a cabinet meeting, and asked what protection Mr. Jennings could offer the Greek ships. Jennings replied that American destroyers would accompany them in and out of Smyrna harbor. Jennings was then asked 'Will American destroyers protect ships if the Turks attempt to seize them'. Jennings could offer no guarantee, but gambled on evasion. He replied . No time to discuss details. Stated guarantee should be satisfactory'.
But the Greek cabinet, at that moment so shaky that it would topple four days later, found Jennings guarantees insufficient. At four o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday 23rd September, with negotiations deadlocked, Jennings told the cabinet that if he did nor receive a favorable reply by six o'clock that evening he would wire openly, without code, so that the message could be picked up by anyone in the vicinity, that the Turkish authorities had given their permission, that the American Navy had guaranteed protection, and that the Greek government would not permit Greek ships to save Greeks and Armenians refugees awaiting a certain death, or worse.
Just before 6 p.m. the reply came. 'All ships in Aegean placed under your command to remove refugees from Smyrna.' Jennings had been made Admiral of the entire Greek fleet.
The Captain of the KILKIS asked his new commander for orders, but Jennings knew nothing about ships. He convened a meeting of the transport captains aboard the KILKIS and discovered that twelve ships could be made ready by midnight. Next, Jennings realized that an Admiral should have a flagship. He chose the PROPONDIS, mainly because her Captain spoke a little English.
At midnight all was ready. Jennings ordered the Greek flag to be run down, an American flag flown in it's stead and a signal flag that meant "follow me" run up aft. He mounted the bridge and ordered full steam ahead.
Halfway to Smyrna the fleet was met by the USS LAWRENCE. It drew alongside and the Captain asked Jennings if he would prefer to travel the rest of the way aboard the American vessel. Jennings looked back, saw the nine ships following, remembered his promise to the Greek government that he would lead, declined with thanks, and remained on the bridge of the PROPONDIS.
On September 24th the first refugees, old men, women and children, were rescued. On September 26th Jennings returned with seventeen ships. A cargo fleet under British charter arrived on the third day. By October 1st one hundred and eighty thousand refugees had been taken from Smyrna to Mytilini, the last ship pulling out six hours before the Turkish deadline.
American and Allied commanders now managed to get the Turks to extend the deadline by another eight days so that British and Greek ships might evacuate nearby ports. More refugees were plucked from the shore at Urla, Chesme and Ayvalik, where they had been waiting for two weeks. This brought the total to over a quarter million.
"Stitzer YMCA Center at Springfield College". Retrieved 24 March 2015.
Lou Ureneck, The Great Fire: One man's mission to rescue victims of the 20th century's first genocide. Ecco, 2015. p18
"How Jennings rescued the Christians of Smyrna". Retrieved 24 March 2015.
"Jennings - One Man Changed Greece and Turkey Forever". Retrieved 24 March 2015.
Doubly honored by Greece The New York Times, December 28, 1922.
'''Asa Kent Jennings''' (1877–1933) was a [[Methodist]] Pastor from Upstate [[New York]] and a member of the [[YMCA]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Stitzer YMCA Center at Springfield College||accessdate=24 March 2015}}</ref> In 1904, while in his twenties, Jennings was struck down by [[Pott's Disease]], a type of [[tuberculosis]] which affects the spine. As a result of his tuberculosis, he stood not much taller than 5 foot and with a noticeable hunch back.<ref>Lou Ureneck, The Great Fire: One man's mission to rescue victims of the 20th century's first genocide. Ecco, 2015. p18</ref> In 1922, he commanded the evacuation of 350,000 helpless refugees from the shores of [[Smyrna]] (today [[İzmir]]) in [[Turkey]] following the [[Great Fire of Smyrna]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=How Jennings rescued the Christians of Smyrna||accessdate=24 March 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Jennings - One Man Changed Greece and Turkey Forever||accessdate=24 March 2015}}</ref> For his work, Greece awarded Jennings its highest civilian honor, the Cross of the [[Order of the Redeemer]], and the highest war honor, the medal of Military Merit.<ref name=NYTarchives>[ ''Doubly honored by Greece''] The New York Times, December 28, 1922.</ref> In 1945, [[Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer|MGM Studios]] made a 10-minute [[short film]] based on the life of Asa Jennings.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Strange Destiny (1945)|work=IMDb|accessdate=27 March 2015}}</ref>
==External links==
* [ Strange Destiny, MGM short film]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Jennings, Asa}}
[[Category:1877 births]]
[[Category:1933 deaths]]
[[Category:American humanitarians]]
[[Category:American Methodist clergy]]
Σήμερα στις 2:11 π.μ.
Posted: 29 Oct 2015 12:00 AM PDT

Όταν η μοιραία πόλη πυρπολήθηκε και μισό εκατομμύριο περίπου πρόσφυγες Ελληνικής και Αρμενικής καταγωγής ήταν αποκλεισμένοι στην παραλία, χωρίς ελπίδα σωτηρίας, αυτός ήταν ο μόνος δυτικός που είχε παραμείνει εκεί. Αρνήθηκε να φύγει, έτσι ώστε να μπορέσει να σώσει ζωές. Ναι. Κι΄ αν έσωσε λέει. 350 χιλιάδες! Φαντάσου το! Έσωσε 350 χιλιάδες ανθρώπους! Πως;
με τον Κεμάλ κ εκμαίευσε από αυτόν προθεσμία 7 κ μετά επιπλέον 4
ημερών, για να φύγουν οι πρόσφυγες... Ύστερα θα ξεκινούσαν οι Τούρκοι
τις εκτοπίσεις στο εσωτερικό της Μικράς Ασίας όσων προσφύγων δεν είχαν
μπορέσει να φύγουν.
Πως όμως θα έφευγαν, με τι μέσα θα διασώζονταν;
Έιζα, αυτός ο σύγχρονος άγιος, έπεισε καταρχήν τον πλοίαρχο ενός πλοίου
να μεταφέρει όσους μπορούσε. Έναν άλλο, τον πλήρωσε με δικά του
χρήματα. Και μετά βρέθηκε στη Μυτιλήνη όπου εξεβίασε (ναι, εξεβίασε) την
Ελληνική κυβέρνηση αναγκάζοντάς την να δεχτεί να σώσει τους Έλληνες που
παρέμεναν αποκλεισμένοι στην κατεστραμμένη Σμύρνη.
μετά από την δική του παρέμβαση στάλθηκαν Ελληνικά πλοία στην χαμένη
πόλη κ μάζεψαν σταδιακά όλους τους πρόσφυγες. Μάλιστα Ο θρύλος λέει πως
το τελευταίο πλοίο με μικρασιάτες πρόσφυγες απέπλευσε από την Σμύρνη 6
ώρες πριν λήξει η προθεσμία που ο Έιζα είχε πάρει από τον Κεμάλ.
ζεις όταν ξέρεις ότι έσωσες 350 χιλιάδες ανθρώπους; Γιατί δεν ξέραμε
αυτόν τον άνθρωπο, γιατί δεν υπάρχει στα βιβλία ιστορίας μας; Γιατί δεν
έχει το όνομά του η πιο κεντρική πλατεία στην Αθήνα;
Asa K. Jennings πέθανε το 1933, σε ηλικία 56 ετών. Στα 22 είχε περάσει
μια ασθένεια που τον είχε αφήσει φρικτά καμπούρη, τον είχε συρρυκνώσει
σε ύψος 1,60 και τον είχε αφήσει ευάλωτο κ φιλάσθενο. Κ όμως δεν
πτοήθηκε. Κ όμως προχώρησε. Ανταποκρίθηκε στο κάλεσμα της μοίρας, κ
σήμερα εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι, οι απόγονοι όσων έσωσε, ζουν χάρη σε αυτόν.
Στο πρόσωπο του Έιζα Τζένιγκζ, το γλυκό πρόσωπο ενός ασθενικού άντρα, βλέπουμε το υπέροχο της ανθρώπινης φύσης που μας εμπνέει.
Asa Kent Jennings was temporarily in charge of the YMCA in Smyrna while the director was on vacation in August 1922. He had provided a refuge for Christians seeking safety from the Turks and, in September, after the director, Jacob, had returned, he tried to find ships to evacuate the refugees. He had been making occasional visits to the USS Edsall (commander Captain Powell) and, when seeing people trying to swim from the quayside to the ships, had ordered the sailors to lower a boat and rescue two children from drowning.With each passing day Jennings became more desperate to find a way to evacuate the refugees. One day, acting on impulse, he went to the Edsall, borrowed Powell's launch, and toured the ships in Smyrna harbor, trying to persuade their captains to take refugees on board for evacuation.
First he went to the French steamer, Pierre Lotti. No luck. He then went to a large Italian cargo liner, the Constantinapoli and asked her captain if there were refugees aboard. The answer was no, so he asked the Captain if he would take refugees. Initially he was refused, but eventually negotiated to pay the passage of 2,000 refugees to Mytilini, 5.000 lire for the refugees plus another 1000 lire for the captain.
Jennings spent all day and night preparing for the sailing. He obtained permission from the Turkish authorities and the Italian consul. but when it came to be time to move the people he found two rows of Turkish soldiers standing between the house and the wharf, to prevent any man of military age from leaving. So only women, children, and the elderly were allowed to leave.
Shortly before leaving Smyrna harbor Jennings was informed by Powell that Admiral Pepe had finally obtained permission from Kemal for Greek ships to enter Smyrna harbor. Powell had also given him two cables from Davis, one ordering him to land the refugees in Mytilini under the aegis of the Red Cross, the other authorizing him to act as he saw fit 'in any subsequent emergency'.
On reaching Mytilini Jennings saw that the bulk of the fleet that had evacuated the Greek army were there.
Using the second of the cables he approached General Frangou, Commandant of the Southern Army and commander of the ships in Mytilini harbor, and asked if these ships might be sent to Smyrna. The General was willing to lend six ships providing that he could have a written guarantee that they would be protected and permitted to return.
As soon as he had handed the 2000 over to the governor-general, who offered to take as many more as he could feed, Jennings headed back to Smyrna, making the trip in under three hours. On arrival he obtained a written statement from Powell and returned with it to Frangou in Mytilini. In the morning at Mytilini harbor he saw a familiar shape, what looked like an American battleship. This was the KILKIS, originally the USS Mississippi, sold to Greece and used during the evacuation of the Greek army from Asia Minor.
The Captain of the KILKIS was eager to co-operate. They worded a message together to send to the authorities in Athens, the Captain sent it in code by radio. It read: ' In the name of humanity, send twenty ships now idle here to evacuate starving Greek refugees from Smyrna without delay.' It was signed 'Asa Jennings, American citizen.
The reply asked who Asa Jennings was. He replied that he was Chairman of the Relief Committee in Mytilini. The next message stated that the Prime Minister had called a cabinet meeting, and asked what protection Mr. Jennings could offer the Greek ships. Jennings replied that American destroyers would accompany them in and out of Smyrna harbor. Jennings was then asked 'Will American destroyers protect ships if the Turks attempt to seize them'. Jennings could offer no guarantee, but gambled on evasion. He replied . No time to discuss details. Stated guarantee should be satisfactory'.
But the Greek cabinet, at that moment so shaky that it would topple four days later, found Jennings guarantees insufficient. At four o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday 23rd September, with negotiations deadlocked, Jennings told the cabinet that if he did nor receive a favorable reply by six o'clock that evening he would wire openly, without code, so that the message could be picked up by anyone in the vicinity, that the Turkish authorities had given their permission, that the American Navy had guaranteed protection, and that the Greek government would not permit Greek ships to save Greeks and Armenians refugees awaiting a certain death, or worse.
Just before 6 p.m. the reply came. 'All ships in Aegean placed under your command to remove refugees from Smyrna.' Jennings had been made Admiral of the entire Greek fleet.
The Captain of the KILKIS asked his new commander for orders, but Jennings knew nothing about ships. He convened a meeting of the transport captains aboard the KILKIS and discovered that twelve ships could be made ready by midnight. Next, Jennings realized that an Admiral should have a flagship. He chose the PROPONDIS, mainly because her Captain spoke a little English.
At midnight all was ready. Jennings ordered the Greek flag to be run down, an American flag flown in it's stead and a signal flag that meant "follow me" run up aft. He mounted the bridge and ordered full steam ahead.
Halfway to Smyrna the fleet was met by the USS LAWRENCE. It drew alongside and the Captain asked Jennings if he would prefer to travel the rest of the way aboard the American vessel. Jennings looked back, saw the nine ships following, remembered his promise to the Greek government that he would lead, declined with thanks, and remained on the bridge of the PROPONDIS.
On September 24th the first refugees, old men, women and children, were rescued. On September 26th Jennings returned with seventeen ships. A cargo fleet under British charter arrived on the third day. By October 1st one hundred and eighty thousand refugees had been taken from Smyrna to Mytilini, the last ship pulling out six hours before the Turkish deadline.
American and Allied commanders now managed to get the Turks to extend the deadline by another eight days so that British and Greek ships might evacuate nearby ports. More refugees were plucked from the shore at Urla, Chesme and Ayvalik, where they had been waiting for two weeks. This brought the total to over a quarter million.
Asa Jennings
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Asa Kent Jennings (1877–1933) was a Methodist Pastor from Upstate New York and a member of the YMCA.[1] In 1904, while in his twenties, Jennings was struck down by Pott's Disease, a type of tuberculosis
which affects the spine. As a result of his tuberculosis, he stood not
much taller than 5 foot and with a noticeable hunch back.[2] In 1922, he commanded the evacuation of 350,000 helpless refugees from the shores of Smyrna (today İzmir) in Turkey following the Great Fire of Smyrna.[3][4] For his work, Greece awarded Jennings its highest civilian honor, the Cross of the Order of the Redeemer, and the highest war honor, the medal of Military Merit.[5] In 1945, MGM Studios made a 10-minute short film based on the life of Asa Jennings.[6]
- "Strange Destiny (1945)". IMDb. Retrieved 27 March 2015.
External links
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'''Asa Kent Jennings''' (1877–1933) was a [[Methodist]] Pastor from Upstate [[New York]] and a member of the [[YMCA]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Stitzer YMCA Center at Springfield College||accessdate=24 March 2015}}</ref> In 1904, while in his twenties, Jennings was struck down by [[Pott's Disease]], a type of [[tuberculosis]] which affects the spine. As a result of his tuberculosis, he stood not much taller than 5 foot and with a noticeable hunch back.<ref>Lou Ureneck, The Great Fire: One man's mission to rescue victims of the 20th century's first genocide. Ecco, 2015. p18</ref> In 1922, he commanded the evacuation of 350,000 helpless refugees from the shores of [[Smyrna]] (today [[İzmir]]) in [[Turkey]] following the [[Great Fire of Smyrna]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=How Jennings rescued the Christians of Smyrna||accessdate=24 March 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Jennings - One Man Changed Greece and Turkey Forever||accessdate=24 March 2015}}</ref> For his work, Greece awarded Jennings its highest civilian honor, the Cross of the [[Order of the Redeemer]], and the highest war honor, the medal of Military Merit.<ref name=NYTarchives>[ ''Doubly honored by Greece''] The New York Times, December 28, 1922.</ref> In 1945, [[Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer|MGM Studios]] made a 10-minute [[short film]] based on the life of Asa Jennings.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Strange Destiny (1945)|work=IMDb|accessdate=27 March 2015}}</ref>
==External links==
* [ Strange Destiny, MGM short film]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Jennings, Asa}}
[[Category:1877 births]]
[[Category:1933 deaths]]
[[Category:American humanitarians]]
[[Category:American Methodist clergy]]
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